Diorama MakeMap Manual
License / Copyright
MakeMap (and the Warzone Map Tools) are licensed under the
and are © 2009 by Florian Schanda and Martin Brain.
Gringo and Clasp (which are distributed in source along with diorama)
are also licensed under the
GPL 3.
System Requirements
Warzone 2.2 (The 2.1 branch does
not work and will never be made to work, as mapwrite.py always writes
a blank zoneinfo section.)
- Python 2.5 (Should also work with 2.6, but I did not test this.)
- Cython (apt get install cython python2.5-dev)
Diorama also requires gringo and clasp from the
tool chain - but because they are a bit obscure the Diorama distribution
contains a stable copy of them. To compile them you will also require the
- re2c (apt-get install re2c)
- cmake (apt-get install cmake)
Simply issue a $ make which should compile gringo, clasp and
a single cython file (blur.pyx).
If you are one of the rare people who already have gringo and clasp
installed on their system, then before you issue make you can symlink
your gringo and clasp binaries to potassco/gringo.bin and
potassco/clasp.bin respectively.
Other, in particular MS WindowsTM
I don't have any other operating systems. If you do and you do manage to
get Diorama working, please let me know how it works and I can include
the instructions here.
$ ./makemap.py --players=N [--size=small|medium|large]
[--version=2.2|trunk] [--name=NAME]
The --players=N command line argument specifies the number of
The --size=S argument specifies the rough size of the generated map.
(Small is about 85x85 tiles, medium is about 130x130 tiles and large is
about 230x230 tiles.)
The --version=V argument specifies the version of warzone to create the
map for.
The --name=N argument can be used to give the map a different name.
The generated map will be saved into your ~/.warzone-2.2
Sometimes map generation can take quite a while, as sometimes a rather
difficult and expensive combination of constraints is selected. If you
don't want to wait, simply press CTRL+C and run makemap again. A --safe
option is planned for the future which is more conservative in selecting